In today’s difficult economic times many people are looking for a way to boost their income and renting out your spare room could be the answer for you. The government has introduced the Rent a Room Scheme which is designed to make use of surplus accommodation. More and more of us are choosing this option to make some extra cash and as long as you don’t earn more than £4,250 from the rent its tax free! It’s ok to earn more as you’ll only pay tax on the extra amount and will have to complete a tax return.
Prices for a double room in our area range from £250 all the way up to £600 per month so there is money to be made from your spare room but only if you make space for your new house guest. At Self Storage Hampshire we have cheap and flexible self-storage that will enable you to rent your room out for short or long periods of time without having to get rid of your belongings permanently.
There are many companies that enable you to advertise your room online, some of which are free and others for a small charge, so finding your lodger won’t be hard either. And if you don’t want someone around at the weekends then many people offer rooms to rent on a Monday to Friday let so you still get your own space at the weekend. is a great website for that option. Another option is to rent the room out per night which is great for tourists and business travellers, can help you with that.
Below is a list of links to some other companies that can help you find a lodger in your local area:
Local Events
Events in the local area such as Farnborough Air Show are also great times to rent out your room short term. In the run up to big events hotel prices can soar in the area and there is no reason that residents shouldn’t enjoy the benefits too. Many companies are now looking to residents to provide the accommodation that they require for their staff so clear out that spare room and get yourself an ad on-line.
Here at Self Storage Hampshire we offer cheap and secure Personal self storage and Business self storage.
Check out our self storage Prices page for more information or call us on 0800 916 8705. Operated by Sentry Self Storage.
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